给 Summer Flower 留言

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Ya learn something n 说:
2016年9月29日 22:51

Ya learn something new everyday. It's true I guess!

Unbelievable how wel 说:
2016年9月29日 22:19

Unbelievable how well-written and informative this was.

Thanks for contribut 说:
2016年9月29日 21:53

Thanks for contributing. It's helped me understand the issues.

Chris trusts your re 说:
2016年9月29日 21:41

Chris trusts your recipes, what can I say? The lentil ones were good, but the red bean ones had a more varied texture which I kind of liked.Thanks about the header. We took that pic almost exactly two years ago, the day we closed on the house. I think I might try to do similar ones that change with the seasons. Our trees are starting to turn green this week, so maybe I’ll take the ‘summer’ picutre after everything is green! I think the fall and winter versions could be cool. We’ll see.

Por cierto ya esta r 说:
2016年9月29日 17:36

Por cierto ya esta reparado el enlace de The Pro en el blog de DIABLO, necesitais estar registrados en youtube por ser mayores de 18 años, asi que dadle al PLAY!!!

Bundling all these d 说:
2016年9月29日 17:17

Bundling all these different amendments together is pulling the wool over our eyes.Some of them may be ok but on the whole I do not like Amendment 4With all these amendments and property tax exemptions, the task of funding ourbasic services will become increasingly difficult to sustain. What next. A sales tax increase?Is that what we are heading for?