What a wonderful comment to discover! Thank you so much Nadine, this really means so much. Your kind words lift my heart and cheer my soul. Namaste. Gina
Jon,I worked for you in the mid/late 70s at Shaklee and I’m delighted to see your success in the coffee business – both in product quality and business style. I think of you every morning as I pop in my K-cup! Keep up the great work and keep those minimal plastic K-cups coming.Best,Susan Weber
It would be nice if we could sort the columns by average search rank as well as the current sort orders. This would help webmasters easily see if they are ranking low for queries important to their site - a good thing to know when you are considering buying AdWords, for example.
- "In 1971, Barry told people he was not born here, but wanted to run for the presidency someday. He repeated that admission several times as absolute fact."The Treaty of 1969 concluded the War of 1968. That Treaty allowed the scion of Kenyan war criminals, especially the 10 year olds, to claim anything they wanted to about their parentage.Or did you forget that convenient fact?
i am very far from even seeing live apple product are scarce and really expensiveand i can’t get enough money to afford i just hope to get something that would boost me out many year that i am in the past and help me attain the best that future can offer,we now are in black with the moon.
(niet voor publicatie!)Graag wil ik uw artikel overnemen op rk-kerkplein.org en vraag daarvoor uw toestemming.Met vriendelijke groet,Isaac Wüst, hoofdredacteur rk-kerkplein.org
Cem Yüksel diyor ki:10 yıl önce bir adam; “KonuÅŸtuÄŸumuz, çıkarttığımız her sesi torunlarımız, uzaydan geri alıp dinleyebilecekler. Neler konuÅŸmuÅŸuz, neler söylemiÅŸiz anlayabilecekler.” demiÅŸti. Biz de içimizden “hade len!” dedik. Sene 2012. Yüz yüze bakarak anlaÅŸamadığımız dünyadan, uzaydaki eski sesleri dinleyerek ne elde edemeyiz? EmeÄŸinize saÄŸlık…
That is such a great idea! I love that nothing about it is permanent too so you can change it out without leaving holes in your moldings! That fabric is awesome too!
2016年7月16日 09:59
What a wonderful comment to discover! Thank you so much Nadine, this really means so much. Your kind words lift my heart and cheer my soul. Namaste. Gina
2016年7月16日 09:44
Jon,I worked for you in the mid/late 70s at Shaklee and I’m delighted to see your success in the coffee business – both in product quality and business style. I think of you every morning as I pop in my K-cup! Keep up the great work and keep those minimal plastic K-cups coming.Best,Susan Weber
2016年7月16日 08:49
This article keeps it real, no doubt.
2016年7月16日 06:12
Thanks for the insight. It brings light into the dark!
2016年7月16日 04:57
With the bases loaded you struck us out with that answer!
2016年7月16日 04:42
Just what the doctor ordered, thankity you!
2016年7月16日 03:29
It would be nice if we could sort the columns by average search rank as well as the current sort orders. This would help webmasters easily see if they are ranking low for queries important to their site - a good thing to know when you are considering buying AdWords, for example.
2016年7月16日 01:45
Letos jsem chtÄ›la ignorovat mediálnà masáž týkajÃcà se svatomartinského vÃna a husy.NaÅ¡i nás pÅ™evezli - ale krásnÄ› - pozvali celou naÅ¡i smeÄku na obÄ›d.DÄ›ti majà promaÅ¡tÄ›né hubiÄky snad jeÅ¡tÄ› teÄ.K Wlkovi gratuluji, taky mám takový jeden exemplář doma. Nekulinařà Äasto, ale když už, stojà to za to.
2016年7月16日 01:34
Me dull. You smart. That's just what I needed.
2016年7月15日 23:54
That's not just logic. That's really sensible.
2016年7月15日 20:00
- "In 1971, Barry told people he was not born here, but wanted to run for the presidency someday. He repeated that admission several times as absolute fact."The Treaty of 1969 concluded the War of 1968. That Treaty allowed the scion of Kenyan war criminals, especially the 10 year olds, to claim anything they wanted to about their parentage.Or did you forget that convenient fact?
2016年7月15日 19:00
Nothing I could say would give you undue credit for this story.
2016年7月15日 18:08
Oiii Camilaaa !!! AMO seu blog, voce é minha inspiracao !!! quero muito saber qual tamanho voce usa dessa camisa, quero comprar também !!! Obrigadaa[]
2016年7月15日 14:06
i am very far from even seeing live apple product are scarce and really expensiveand i can’t get enough money to afford i just hope to get something that would boost me out many year that i am in the past and help me attain the best that future can offer,we now are in black with the moon.
2016年7月15日 07:51
(niet voor publicatie!)Graag wil ik uw artikel overnemen op rk-kerkplein.org en vraag daarvoor uw toestemming.Met vriendelijke groet,Isaac Wüst, hoofdredacteur rk-kerkplein.org
2016年7月15日 04:50
Articles like these put the consumer in the driver seat-very important.
2016年7月15日 02:50
That's a well-thought-out answer to a challenging question
2016年7月15日 01:39
Cem Yüksel diyor ki:10 yıl önce bir adam; “KonuÅŸtuÄŸumuz, çıkarttığımız her sesi torunlarımız, uzaydan geri alıp dinleyebilecekler. Neler konuÅŸmuÅŸuz, neler söylemiÅŸiz anlayabilecekler.” demiÅŸti. Biz de içimizden “hade len!” dedik. Sene 2012. Yüz yüze bakarak anlaÅŸamadığımız dünyadan, uzaydaki eski sesleri dinleyerek ne elde edemeyiz? EmeÄŸinize saÄŸlık…
2016年7月15日 00:20
Finding this post solves a problem for me. Thanks!
2016年7月14日 23:06
That is such a great idea! I love that nothing about it is permanent too so you can change it out without leaving holes in your moldings! That fabric is awesome too!