给 Summer Flower 留言

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The cover of the boo 说:
2016年8月09日 07:09

The cover of the book on Amazon is an earlier version that was sent out for promotion purposes. If you look closely, you'll also see that the "w" in "With"--in the parentheses--is lower case on Amazon but upper case in the cover shown within the I.N.K. article, which is the final cover. At any rate, if no one guesses the correct font of the new "g" by Monday morning, the book will go to the person with the most passionate and analytical attempt to identify it. So far that's you, Linda.

Counterlight, what a 说:
2016年8月09日 06:29

Counterlight, what a rogue you are to reveal all my dirty little secrets on the intertubes. Grandpère and I have been leeching off the government for most of our working lives. GP was a union man, too, but - alas - there was no union for librarians. Thanks for the birthday greeting, my friend.

Coummiviovejm 说:
2016年8月09日 06:10

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2016年8月09日 06:05

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Coitadinhos dos srs 说:
2016年8月09日 06:03

Coitadinhos dos srs inquiridores tão atarefados durante dez anos que não tiveram tempo de ouvir o sócrates durante cinco minutinhos.Por acaso andaram todos a banhos no Algarve ou em outras estâncias mais caras que o país bem lhe paga para isso!!!!Seus chulos!!!

I have always admire 说:
2016年8月09日 05:06

I have always admired the Japanese. There is one book by the founder of Sony Corp &#8211; Akio Morita &#8211; which gives a good idea about their best practices. No wonder their products are one of the best!Destination Infinity

Keep these articles 说:
2016年8月09日 03:40

Keep these articles coming as they've opened many new doors for me.

mikael--You missed m 说:
2016年8月09日 02:12

mikael--You missed my point. I didn't imply they were "hiding in an attic somewhere."My statement was meant to convey that it is unsafe for them to leave the country. They would be targets no matter what mode of transportation they took home.The Danes stuck there will just have to wait until the Algerian government decides to call off the dogs so that they can either return to their embassies or to Denmark.I'd recommend the latter.This situation bears some resemblance to the kidnappings, don't you think?

Merci, Pierre Assoul 说:
2016年8月09日 02:07

Merci, Pierre Assouline. J&rsquo;ai à peine abordé &laquo;&nbsp;l&rsquo;objet&nbsp;&raquo;, qui paraît en effet riche. Quant à l&rsquo;essai du côté de la musique, non &laquo;&nbsp;d&rsquo;époque&nbsp;&raquo;, je suis tombé sur une vidéo de Falla (EL RETABLO DE MAESE PEDRO). Pourquoi pas !

Ang, I REALLY like t 说:
2016年8月09日 01:53

Ang, I REALLY like the idea of naming that bitch! I like the image of her melting even more, though I may take mine out like one of the &#8216;walkers&#8217; in Walking Dead. *sharpening machete* xo

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2016年8月09日 01:28

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2016年8月09日 01:01

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2016年8月09日 00:04

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Conny, Sonnenstrasse 说:
2016年8月08日 22:38

Conny, Sonnenstrasse 1 ist eigentlich reserviert (hatte ich für mein Projekt-Haus reserviert )Die Adressen stehen ja oben dabei, alphabetisch in jeder Rubrik

Do you really see it 说:
2016年8月08日 22:20

Do you really see it that way -- that the United States&#39; most serious interest in the Middle East is oil? it seems to me that our most serious interest there is preventing too much unification of anti-American forces, for our own survival&#39;s sake; not for fear of embargo, which would be unlikely since someone would sell us black-market petroleum anyway, but because a unified Muslim Middle East would probably successfully invade the US. A very informative article, in any case. It gives a different perspective, that&#39;s for sure.

He llegao al capitul 说:
2016年8月08日 21:54

He llegao al capitulo 9 de la segunda y porque la mula no me tira mas. La segunda es infinitamente mejor que la primera. Lo malo, mi novia, que babea con Apolo y creo que sueña con el por las noches.

It's wonderful to ha 说:
2016年8月08日 20:13

It's wonderful to have you on our side, haha!

I feel satisfied aft 说:
2016年8月08日 19:48

I feel satisfied after reading that one.

2016年8月08日 19:44

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