Marcel:This is all fantasy stuff when we can’t even do an automated Mars Sample Return or keep to our commitments to other countries. I don’t doubt that it’s possible from an engineering standpoint (and, like you, I like Phobos and Deimos), but from a political, economic, and societal standpoint, it’s irrelevant to the issue at hand. Should we try to do more with less? I think the answer is yes. A low-cost automated Phobos/Deimos mission would fit into the more-with-less mind-set, and constitute an early step toward your vision.David
Dalibor Prochazka u novom spotu ujedinio Inspektora Clouseaua, Prljavog Harryja i Miyagija!…Los Angeles, the city of dreams, the city of Hollywood where fashion is born, dreams are nurtured, and epics are created. This city attracts many visitors as well as settlers – permanent as well as temporary – giving rise to an escalating demand for Lo…
This is a replacement for another white board I had that was pretty unattractive. I have it in my kitchen and the kids write what they need to do over the week. I love the look and it fits into my kitchen decor much better than the previous one. It is a little flimsy, but it was easy to attach to the wall and looks nice. I have no complaints with the purchase.
I’ve been thinking; would it ever be possible to do something like keep certain amoral or secretive procedures away from your citizens? For example if you had scienced up a way to render bothersome corpses into a nutritious paste, would you perhaps build a restricted factory behind high walls, operated and guarded by your most trusted and loyal subjects, fearing the point when these depredations would see the light of day for the wholescale revulsion and unrest it should beget the populace?
A una semana del lanzamiento ya se están reportando multitud de hackeos de cuentas (incluÃdas personas que utilizan authentificator) a las que se les han despojado de sus legendarios, oro y demás. Va a haber jaleo con la subasta con dinero real…!
Now that SCOTUS had told us corporations are living, bleeding, individual human beings with full free speech donor dollar rights, the percentages should get even better, yes? Aw, and you thought Krupp was powerful…
Cameron Slater did a brilliant job on TV the Nation, and changed perspectives. I still think he has a tendency to be a muck raker, but he wiped out Edwards and Ralston.Slater stood up for the concept of opinion, against the slimy devious Edwards and the pocked old Ralston, and it was a no contest.
Har man som ni gjort ett fantastiskt jobb så ska man ta betalt. Gör så att man kan välja. 50 spänn en vecka. 100 kr en månad. Eller fullt ut VIP för 1000 om året eller mer. Bra killar ska ha bra betalt.
Hi ,Indian railways has come up with a new website for Passenger Reservation Enquiry with many enhanced features that give better user experience. Thought of sharing the link for the benefit of allwww.bharatrail.netthanks
“You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear.” She put the shell to her ear and screamed. There was a hermit crab inside and it pinched her ear. She never wants to go back! LoL I know this is totally off topic but I had to tell someone!
Wow, hadn’t seen that film since it came out but it stands the test of time. Good old NFB filmmaking: relevant, heart-felt, great acting. Very very nice. That Tina Keeper – is she not acting these days? Miss her!Great pick, thanks!
1000 posts and recipes is really something!! And all of them are so great - incredible!Congratulations! :)And your strawberry sorbet is exactly what I would like to eat right now ;)have a nice day!
Thy de bazen torpil oluyor , en basitinden benim duyduğum pilotluk mesleği babadan oğula resmen miras kalıyormuş.Niteliksiz elemanı torpilli diye kritik bir işe almazsınız çünkü başınıza dert alırsınız, ama diğer konularda arada torpil oluyordur.
It’s rare to get a professional in whom you will surely have some faith. In the world nowadays, nobody really cares about showing others exactly how in this issue. How lucky I am to have definitely found such a wonderful web page as this. It is really people like you who really make a true difference in this world through the thoughts they discuss.
I agree that Thornton should play next game , and it’s a shame but Recchi should be sitting. I respect the player for how he’s playing at that age, but you can tell that he’s got no “gas” left in the tank. This is/will be a physical series; bring back that efficient fourth line of Paille/Campbell/Thornton
2016年8月23日 03:04
What a joy to find such clear thinking. Thanks for posting!
2016年8月23日 00:27
Marcel:This is all fantasy stuff when we can’t even do an automated Mars Sample Return or keep to our commitments to other countries. I don’t doubt that it’s possible from an engineering standpoint (and, like you, I like Phobos and Deimos), but from a political, economic, and societal standpoint, it’s irrelevant to the issue at hand. Should we try to do more with less? I think the answer is yes. A low-cost automated Phobos/Deimos mission would fit into the more-with-less mind-set, and constitute an early step toward your vision.David
2016年8月22日 22:27
2016年8月22日 22:26
2016年8月22日 22:26
2016年8月22日 22:26
Sunt foarte mult copleșit de gândurile tale pentru acest articol special. O cunoaștere mai profundă și mai pus în scenă ar fi bine pentru mine
2016年8月22日 21:43
Dalibor Prochazka u novom spotu ujedinio Inspektora Clouseaua, Prljavog Harryja i Miyagija!…Los Angeles, the city of dreams, the city of Hollywood where fashion is born, dreams are nurtured, and epics are created. This city attracts many visitors as well as settlers – permanent as well as temporary – giving rise to an escalating demand for Lo…
2016年8月22日 21:33
This is a replacement for another white board I had that was pretty unattractive. I have it in my kitchen and the kids write what they need to do over the week. I love the look and it fits into my kitchen decor much better than the previous one. It is a little flimsy, but it was easy to attach to the wall and looks nice. I have no complaints with the purchase.
2016年8月22日 21:25
I’ve been thinking; would it ever be possible to do something like keep certain amoral or secretive procedures away from your citizens? For example if you had scienced up a way to render bothersome corpses into a nutritious paste, would you perhaps build a restricted factory behind high walls, operated and guarded by your most trusted and loyal subjects, fearing the point when these depredations would see the light of day for the wholescale revulsion and unrest it should beget the populace?
2016年8月22日 20:42
A una semana del lanzamiento ya se están reportando multitud de hackeos de cuentas (incluÃdas personas que utilizan authentificator) a las que se les han despojado de sus legendarios, oro y demás. Va a haber jaleo con la subasta con dinero real…!
2016年8月22日 19:31
Now that SCOTUS had told us corporations are living, bleeding, individual human beings with full free speech donor dollar rights, the percentages should get even better, yes? Aw, and you thought Krupp was powerful…
2016年8月22日 19:30
Cameron Slater did a brilliant job on TV the Nation, and changed perspectives. I still think he has a tendency to be a muck raker, but he wiped out Edwards and Ralston.Slater stood up for the concept of opinion, against the slimy devious Edwards and the pocked old Ralston, and it was a no contest.
2016年8月22日 18:06
Har man som ni gjort ett fantastiskt jobb så ska man ta betalt. Gör så att man kan välja. 50 spänn en vecka. 100 kr en månad. Eller fullt ut VIP för 1000 om året eller mer. Bra killar ska ha bra betalt.
2016年8月22日 17:38
Hi ,Indian railways has come up with a new website for Passenger Reservation Enquiry with many enhanced features that give better user experience. Thought of sharing the link for the benefit of allwww.bharatrail.netthanks
2016年8月22日 17:27
“You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear.” She put the shell to her ear and screamed. There was a hermit crab inside and it pinched her ear. She never wants to go back! LoL I know this is totally off topic but I had to tell someone!
2016年8月22日 17:01
Wow, hadn’t seen that film since it came out but it stands the test of time. Good old NFB filmmaking: relevant, heart-felt, great acting. Very very nice. That Tina Keeper – is she not acting these days? Miss her!Great pick, thanks!
2016年8月22日 13:33
1000 posts and recipes is really something!! And all of them are so great - incredible!Congratulations! :)And your strawberry sorbet is exactly what I would like to eat right now ;)have a nice day!
2016年8月22日 13:14
Thy de bazen torpil oluyor , en basitinden benim duyduğum pilotluk mesleği babadan oğula resmen miras kalıyormuş.Niteliksiz elemanı torpilli diye kritik bir işe almazsınız çünkü başınıza dert alırsınız, ama diğer konularda arada torpil oluyordur.
2016年8月22日 12:50
It’s rare to get a professional in whom you will surely have some faith. In the world nowadays, nobody really cares about showing others exactly how in this issue. How lucky I am to have definitely found such a wonderful web page as this. It is really people like you who really make a true difference in this world through the thoughts they discuss.
2016年8月22日 12:32
I agree that Thornton should play next game , and it’s a shame but Recchi should be sitting. I respect the player for how he’s playing at that age, but you can tell that he’s got no “gas” left in the tank. This is/will be a physical series; bring back that efficient fourth line of Paille/Campbell/Thornton