给 Summer Flower 留言

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I for one, cannot wa 说:
2016年9月01日 16:02

I for one, cannot wait to be educated by your blogging! This one beautiful grandbaby is going to learn with the rest of us just how far a blog can go with your creativity. Will blogging be around by the time Will can read?

A pleasingly rationa 说:
2016年9月01日 16:00

A pleasingly rational answer. Good to hear from you.

I don't even know wh 说:
2016年9月01日 15:51

I don't even know what to say, this made things so much easier!

Looking at the scree 说:
2016年9月01日 14:57

Looking at the screenshots, this reminds me more of our old IRC bot than anything else.I can’t play the game (no smartphone), so I don’t know if it’s ever anything but this weird.

Meat [160],I’d 说:
2016年9月01日 14:52

Meat [160],I’d say northern NJ is currently Novgorod. Once the voilence kicks in, then we become Mogadishu. Although, the fight over the eggs this morning in Stop N Shop resembled a game between Springbok vs. All Black.

Curioso ler este est 说:
2016年9月01日 14:38

Curioso ler este este texto!estive há dias nas minas dos carris e gastámos muito tempo a discutir exactamente essas questões.Eu acredito que até seria possível criar lá em cima um albergue de montanha, dentro do estilo dos que existem nos pirineus!

A mon humble avis, l 说:
2016年9月01日 14:02

A mon humble avis, le problème principal vient de la lecture. Je suis en terminale actuellement, et c’est impressionnant, j’ai l’impression que certains ne savent pas lire, ou ne comprennent pas ce qu’ils lisent. Du coup, on imagine qu’ils n’aiment pas lire et donc ne lisent pas. Comment s’exercer à bien écrire si on ne prend pas exemple justement sur ses lectures?

Lui, to nie tylko os 说:
2016年9月01日 13:39

Lui, to nie tylko osobisty watek!To jest watek …poznawania Hiszpani!Takiej nieturystycznej !I dobrze, ze mamy ciebie w tym regionie!Moje Dziecko zarobione i czasem tylko wpada poczytac.Dlatego mozesz TU robic na glownego szpiona i nam donosic takie rarytasy!A pan , jak sie okazuje, swietnie zorientowany w krajach Europy!

גבר שנ说:
2016年9月01日 13:13

גבר שאוהב לקחת זה סופר לגיטימי. אבל כל גבר (וגם כל אישה! הסכמה זה לכולם), עד שלא הוסכם אחרת, צריך לקבל אפילו "אבל אולי בעצם לא ממש" מתחנחן באותה עוצמה כמו "לא" מהדהד.משחקי שליטה זה סבבה ומצויין, כל זמן שיש safeword מוסכם מראש. עד שאין – לא צריך לקבל יחס של לא, גם אם לא לזה הצד השני מתכוון.

you tube is shit you 说:
2016年9月01日 12:30

you tube is shit you have taken all the fun out of it now your just like everybody else BORING!!!!!!!!!!!! you got lawyers so far up your arse's its unbeleivable

We are great because 说:
2016年9月01日 11:41

We are great because anyone, regardless of age, race, creed, professionetc. should be able voice an opinion in whatever constructive manner they choose. We are strong when we are able to disargee with one another. We are lucky because there is always another channel of information which can turn to. We are weak when our anger, confusion or naivety seeks to limit what we or others would say and the manner in which they say it.

cervello una volta i 说:
2016年9月01日 11:28

cervello una volta indossato va saputo usare, avrebbe dovuto smettere di credere alle favole al massimo fino a 8 - 10 anni, poi si entra nel mondo dei grandi...Ti consiglio di cominciare a studiare dal concetto di ordine di grandezza (lascia perdere il link di internet, anche un libro di liceo va bene), ti assicuro che é il primo passo per scremare oltre il 50 % delle cazzate a cui dai credito.

A perfect reply! Tha 说:
2016年9月01日 11:15

A perfect reply! Thanks for taking the trouble.

Gee whiz, and I thou 说:
2016年9月01日 09:26

Gee whiz, and I thought this would be hard to find out.

Damn, I wish I could 说:
2016年9月01日 07:46

Damn, I wish I could think of something smart like that!

Dear friend, I start 说:
2016年9月01日 07:33

Dear friend, I started using TEACH YOURSELF SWEDISH and then moved on to ASSIMIL. They are both quite good. I then go to know some swedish friends, which is what definitely boosted my fluency in this beatiful language. Thanks for the nice words! Luca