Of course it's aimed at American expats, who are used to eating sandwiches for lunch (unlike the Czechs). It's also clear from the fact that its very name as well as various signs inside are apparently all in English as far as I can judge from your pictures. And this was exactly my original point: Such venues are meant for Americans living here and, therefore, there are fewer sandwich shops in Prague then in, say, Boston. Because there are not so many Yanks living in Prague. Simple!
Aaron, you mean if that student came from UL he/she sucks? Maybe that ‘unknown’ guy sucks but not because he/she came from UL.Maybe you’re from AMA, which is an international school, and you we’re offended by his/her statement, but how dare you to demean UL like that.Well for that unknown guy/gay or whatever, I suggest you report such to school admin so you could do something good for your fellow student.
Cacchio, anch'io mi farei una cavalcata sul T-Rex.Però sono tra chi subisce il fascino delle moto, inutile negarlo. E la mia vecchia Virago è pronta per il pensionamento.Però, no, scooter proprio no.Meglio il T-Rex, al limite. Cosa mangia? Passanti?Si può fare.
is another 404 widget, only the Linkgraph widget gets the correct URL using historical page movement & name change information from the database. The information in the databae is collected by an indexing application on the web server.You can see a demo at
Nara does look like Tokyo's total opposite. We wanted to visit Nara during our Japan trip but didn't have enough time. So, thanks for taking me along on this journey. Love how those Japanese houses look.
I love these colors! I cannot wait to get my sofa… but we must find a place to live first! Then do you want to come to CPH to redesign my living room?
Rolltore wären gegen tieffliegende Molotow-Cocktails oder andere auch zu empfehlen.Das Tor müsste mit elektrischem Antrieb mit Sprachsteuerung versehen sein. Ohne Sprachsteuerung müsste da immer ei zweiter Mann dabei sein um das Tor auf die gewünschte Höhe zu kurbeln.
in comments on this blog, I think it’d be more accurate to say that you haven’t been convinced of the need to familiarise yourself with postmodern theories. And that you’d rather get on with your own research – which is clearly important, and has its own material to grapple with – unless someone can convince you otherwise. Would I be wrong?
"I want the company I buy from to stand for something more than the materials used to construct it." -Ryan E. Plettalright funny boy: what, in your opinion, does Nike stand for?
Har også sånn kost, såå søt;) Sjarm på kjøkkenet har alt å si!Få godværet på gang til 12.mai, da kommer jeg til Trondheim:) Hvor ligger forresten søstrene Grene i Trondheim?KlemBenedicte
Oh my goodness…you can actually SEE the deer in the photo of the kids! Yay!! My husband wasn’t believing me when I told him how many deer were out there. Now I have proof!And you are welcome, Tanya. Your family is just awesome!
It would’ve definately been creepier if instead of the creatures being slaves, they were the ones who ended the civilization. Like you saw a stone tablet showing inhuman creature things eating people. You know, like in Doom. Things come out, kill everyone, leave ruins. Simple but effective.VA:F [1.9.21_1169](from 0 votes)
September 26th, 2008 at 9:20 amJPMorgan Chase said it was not acquiring any senior unsecured debt, subordinated debt, and preferred stock of WaMu’s banks, or any assets or liabilities of the holding company, Washington Mutual Inc. JPMorgan also said it will not take on the lawsuits facing the holding company.So what happens to the above listed liabilities? Who picks up the tab for it all?
2016年9月13日 08:14
Of course it's aimed at American expats, who are used to eating sandwiches for lunch (unlike the Czechs). It's also clear from the fact that its very name as well as various signs inside are apparently all in English as far as I can judge from your pictures. And this was exactly my original point: Such venues are meant for Americans living here and, therefore, there are fewer sandwich shops in Prague then in, say, Boston. Because there are not so many Yanks living in Prague. Simple!
2016年9月13日 07:50
Thanks for your thoughts. It's helped me a lot.
2016年9月13日 06:45
Boa ideia :) E sim vermelho também é a cor do quarto lá de casa, tenho a parede da cabeceira da cama pintada de vermelho com efeitos daqueles rolos cheios de rugas.
2016年9月13日 06:15
Aaron, you mean if that student came from UL he/she sucks? Maybe that ‘unknown’ guy sucks but not because he/she came from UL.Maybe you’re from AMA, which is an international school, and you we’re offended by his/her statement, but how dare you to demean UL like that.Well for that unknown guy/gay or whatever, I suggest you report such to school admin so you could do something good for your fellow student.
2016年9月13日 06:08
Cacchio, anch'io mi farei una cavalcata sul T-Rex.Però sono tra chi subisce il fascino delle moto, inutile negarlo. E la mia vecchia Virago è pronta per il pensionamento.Però, no, scooter proprio no.Meglio il T-Rex, al limite. Cosa mangia? Passanti?Si può fare.
2016年9月13日 06:07
2016年9月13日 06:06
2016年9月13日 04:13
Ahh tiens une balade que je n’ai pas encore faite et qu’il y a longtemps que je pense à faire.Un bon coin pour rencontrer quelques espèces animales et végétales rupestre et cavernicoles Nico
2016年9月13日 03:51
is another 404 widget, only the Linkgraph widget gets the correct URL using historical page movement & name change information from the database. The information in the databae is collected by an indexing application on the web server.You can see a demo at
2016年9月13日 00:19
Nara does look like Tokyo's total opposite. We wanted to visit Nara during our Japan trip but didn't have enough time. So, thanks for taking me along on this journey. Love how those Japanese houses look.
2016年9月13日 00:03
Great article but it didn't have everything-I didn't find the kitchen sink!
2016年9月13日 00:02
I love these colors! I cannot wait to get my sofa… but we must find a place to live first! Then do you want to come to CPH to redesign my living room?
2016年9月12日 23:37
Rolltore wären gegen tieffliegende Molotow-Cocktails oder andere auch zu empfehlen.Das Tor müsste mit elektrischem Antrieb mit Sprachsteuerung versehen sein. Ohne Sprachsteuerung müsste da immer ei zweiter Mann dabei sein um das Tor auf die gewünschte Höhe zu kurbeln.
2016年9月12日 23:34
in comments on this blog, I think it’d be more accurate to say that you haven’t been convinced of the need to familiarise yourself with postmodern theories. And that you’d rather get on with your own research – which is clearly important, and has its own material to grapple with – unless someone can convince you otherwise. Would I be wrong?
2016年9月12日 23:25
"I want the company I buy from to stand for something more than the materials used to construct it." -Ryan E. Plettalright funny boy: what, in your opinion, does Nike stand for?
2016年9月12日 17:37
Har også sånn kost, såå søt;) Sjarm på kjøkkenet har alt å si!Få godværet på gang til 12.mai, da kommer jeg til Trondheim:) Hvor ligger forresten søstrene Grene i Trondheim?KlemBenedicte
2016年9月12日 17:31
Oh my goodness…you can actually SEE the deer in the photo of the kids! Yay!! My husband wasn’t believing me when I told him how many deer were out there. Now I have proof!And you are welcome, Tanya. Your family is just awesome!
2016年9月12日 17:26
It would’ve definately been creepier if instead of the creatures being slaves, they were the ones who ended the civilization. Like you saw a stone tablet showing inhuman creature things eating people. You know, like in Doom. Things come out, kill everyone, leave ruins. Simple but effective.VA:F [1.9.21_1169](from 0 votes)
2016年9月12日 17:06
Very true! Makes a change to see someone spell it out like that. :)
2016年9月12日 16:50
September 26th, 2008 at 9:20 amJPMorgan Chase said it was not acquiring any senior unsecured debt, subordinated debt, and preferred stock of WaMu’s banks, or any assets or liabilities of the holding company, Washington Mutual Inc. JPMorgan also said it will not take on the lawsuits facing the holding company.So what happens to the above listed liabilities? Who picks up the tab for it all?